


EN234 Km 92.7, Apartado 40
3524-909 Nelas – Portugal

+351 232 941 260

Purchasing Department



Privacy Policy

MOVECHO guides itself on a culture of innovation and creativity, which it denominates as product engineering. As in all its actions, it assumes the highest standards of quality and ethics and, in the pursuit of its mission, guarantees the protection of all personal data.

MOVECHO has implemented safety measures, protecting the personal data gathered against any type of illegal handling.

This Privacy Policy applies exclusively to the handling of personal data gathered by MOVECHO through contact within the scope of its sales and marketing activities, as well as through its relationship with customers and partners, and through the web forms provided by MOVECHO.

1 - Purpose of handling:

Personal data is gathered for the following purposes:

- to send information on MOVECHO’s products and services;

- to send information on trade events and/or technical events, such as sessions, workshops;

- to send information on campaigns;

- to send institutional communications;

- to send e-mails after telephone contacts.

- to send newsletters, news and announcements;

- contacts for professional interviews;

- contacts for reasons of legitimate interest.

2 - Personal data collected:

The personal data gathered is limited to the name, telephone number, e-mail, organization and position, as well as to the general data on the organization, and is used for the purposes foreseen in this privacy policy. It may be obtained through:

- sales contacts;

- subscription via the web portal.

3 - Information on Cookies:

In the MOVECHO portals, we use cookies and similar devices to facilitate and improve your navigation performance throughout our portals, understand how it interacts with us and, in certain cases, show you information given your navigation via the browser. Except for statistical information gathered by Google Analytics, no other information is gathered outside your devices.

4 - Retention Period:

The personal data gathered shall be maintained while there is consent from the individual concerned, for the purposes foreseen in point 1.

5 - Sharing of Personal Data:

The personal data gathered shall be stored on MOVECHO’s platforms, protected through backup copies and stored in infrastructures within the European Space. They are not shared with any other organizations, unless consent has been obtained for that purpose.

6 - Rights of the holders:

To access your data in order to correct, update, delete and/or change the consent of the identified activities, or in case of any queries related to the Privacy Policy, the individual concerned shall contact MOVECHO, in writing, at the following address:


EN234 Km 92.7

Apartado 40

3524-909 Nelas , Portugal

7 - Changes in the Privacy Policy:

This privacy policy may be changed at any time without prior notice. These changes will be disclosed on MOVECHO’s web portal (

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